Thursday, March 4, 2010

New Recipe Alert!

So I'm getting all packed up for tomorrow, when I head over to Naturally Savvy HQ's (, and at the last minute realized I'd need to pack not only several snacks and a lunch but also a dinner, since I'm going straight to another job from Toronto.
I managed to whip up my entire days worth of food in a surprisingly short period of time, and I was quite impressed with my results of a healthy meal in such a crunch, I'm posting "A day in the life of a Holistic Nutritionist, on the go!"- sorry there are no measurements, just eyeball it according to how many people it's feeding.


-1 scoop Hemp protein (i will one day find a way to make this stuff taste good i promise)
- 3 large scoops Kefir
-2 kiwi's
-frozen mixed berries
- flax seed oil (about 1 tbsp)
- ice

BLEND- 2 minutes. DONE.

Hard boiled egg.

-1 large blood orange chopped
- carrot sticks

Roasted veggie wrap with Dijon

Take any and all veggies you have. I used red peppers, shallots, mushrooms, carrots, zucchini, and baby bok choy.

Preheat oven to 350.

Slice all your veggies Julienne style, toss in cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil with pepper, garlic, and parsley (use any herbs you like in addition).
Throw all veggies BUT the baby bok choy into a ceramic dish and bake for about 35 minutes.

Add the baby bok choy for the last 1-2 minutes of cooking, this will serve as your "lettuce", for a nice crunchy texture.

Keep in a bowl overnight.

In the morning, I'll be throwing some Dijon mustard onto my whole wheat and flax wraps, rolling 2 of these up, and boom there's lunch.

Banana, handful of pecans

Cucumber slices with hummus


1 cup cooked quinoa with 1 roasted beet, 1/2 avocado, hemp seeds and finely chopped parsley.
Dressing- I make my own to avoid bad oil, fillers and binders:
1/2 fresh squeezed lemon
1/2 fresh squeezed orange
extra virgin olive oil (can use flax here too)
a little bit of grated ginger
tiny bit of blue agave syrup

Toss together done!

I was able to prepare all of this with cooking time in one hour, while doing loads of laundry (including folding and hanging), packing my laptop for the next day and checking email. So there you have it, a day in the life! Eating right is still very manageable even for a hectic lifestyle, the key is preparing the night before and choosing snacks that are pre cut, or are just grab and go!

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