Monday, March 15, 2010

Not a Happy Nutritionist!

I rarely watch TV, and now I remember why!
I caught the Tyra Show today, in which she had her Nutritionist, actually she's a registered Dietitian, inspiring people to get in shape. I got so steamed at the recommendations Tyra's Dietitian was giving on national TV, I wrote a little email to Ms. Fierce herself! So I thought I would share:

Tyra, I watched some of today's episode with your Dietitian. And I AM FURIOUS!!!!!!!! I work as a Holistic Nutritionist & Lifestyle Consultant, and the information your girl was giving was NOT advice I would recommend to my clients! Recommending a burger over a salad, because of the dressing. What about the vitamins and minerals packed in the spinach? Recommending a HOT DOG?!?!- Are you kidding me?!? All she talked about was calories and "getting satisfied"- on what? Sodium, saturated fats, processed, refined flour, chemical preservatives, nitrates and nitrites? How about sending a REAL message- none of these foods are advisable, pack your own! I saw a picture of Caesar salad with iceberg lettuce- no no no no!!! Deli meat? EIIIKKK, this is something Americans need to be avoiding not incorporating. Her segment on portion control was good, I'll give her that, HOWEVER, she contradicts herself by recommending mayonnaise laden deviled eggs over one of the healthiest snacks you can eat, hummus! I get that people will eat more than they should, but the message should be to share an appetizer at a restaurant and ask for veggie sticks instead of a white pita- not avoid an extremely healthy snack because the serving size is too big- wake up! Almost everywhere you eat the serving size is too big! Where is the lesson in that? Ask the waitress for a calorie count? Come on! This episode annoyed me so much I had to stop watching, as someone who works in a Holistic health field, this was anything BUT holistic.

Seems a little harsh right? Well I've never been a believer in attracting flies with honey, I prefer to take a no nonsense approach to things, and what this really is, is my opinion in a extremely honest manner.

I believe this would be PHASE 2 of my CALL FOR AWARENESS

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