Essentially, we all have many foods which we forever stock our pantries with or jam into the freezer on a weekly basis, but the problem with this is that many of us are stocking up on foods which are not good for us- I like to call these "Dead Foods".
Dead Foods are foods that we use to fill us up, but are essentially void of nutrients, they are empty calories that do nothing to further our health, and only add weight. An exmaple of Dead Foods would be donuts, chips, candy, cookies, pop, fries, certain breads and baked goods, chocolate bars, condiments such as mayo and ketchup. Sure we are all human and consuming these foods once in a while (meaning one small serving per week), won't hurt us; but the majority of people consume these foods and don't leave room for the good stuff.
So, I've decided to simplify things and make you a ready-to-go grocery list, one that can be used for the rest of your life.
Here are the Top 10 Foods I beleive you should always be stocked up on....
10. Kiwi
9. Almonds
8. Broccoli
7. Quinoa
6. Avocado
5. Salmon
4. Blueberries
3. Kefir
2. Spinach
1. Garlic
Kiwi is a great tasting, refreshing fruit. It has stress managing properties and believe it or not, contains more Vitamin C than an orange of equal size.
Kiwi's also contain health promoting carotenoids and flavanoids which provide powerful antioxidant properties which help us combat free radicals.
Eat for your heart! Almonds rock when it comes to providing nutrients to the heart, they are high in Vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, monounsaturated fats- and all you need is a small handful a day to keep the heart surgeon away!
Oh the dreaded green trees! Well I hear all the time- "I won't eat broccoli, it's gross, I haven't liked it since I was a kid". Here's the deal, we've all been exposed to foods we don't like, but the methods of preparation vary, try new recipes and try it every opportunity you can. It may not be that you don't like the food, it may be that you don't like the way it was prepared. Be open, be adventurous and try it at least 5 different ways before you vanish it from your diet.
Brocooli truly is a superfood, it is loaded in Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Folate, Fibre, Potassium, B6, Protein, and on and on we go.
Brocooli is considered a cruciferous vegetable, meaning it contains a high concentration of health promoting sulfur compounds. These compounds promote the liver's ability to produce enzymes which neutralize toxic substances, which could otherwise cause damage to the system.
All you need is one cup a day!
One of the easiest to digest, quinoa is a whole grain which originated from South America thousands of years ago.
Quinoa is an excellent source of a complete protein (meaning it has a full amino acid profile) and is therefore ideal for regular consumption for vegetarians.
Quinoa is high in the amino acid lysine which is noted as having tissue growth and repairing properties. Additionally, quinoa is dense in many minerals such as manganese, magnesium, and iron.
Contrary to popular belief, avocado's are actually a fruit, although we often consume them as a vegetable, in the form of a dip, sandwhich spread, salad topping or form of salsa.
Avocado's are extremely heart healthy as they contain monounsaturated fats, and are often considered the reason for health within the Mediterranean diet, along with nuts, olives and olive oil.
Avocado's are complete with Vitamin K, Fibre, Potassium, Folate, B6, Vitamin C, Copper and various carotenoids and flavonoids.
High in protein, high in essential fatty acids- Omega 3, EPA and DHA- which North Americans are deficient in, these essentail fatty acids or EFA's are the good guys in fat. They play a role in reducing inflammation, promoting memory, healthy skin and hair, and can even aid in weight loss. All you need is 4 ounces a day, 2-3 times per week.
Blueberries have aways been ranked as one of the best sources of antioxidants. They are high in Vitamin C, E, Fibre and Manganese. These nutrients deliver powerful protection from cellular damage caused by free radicals. Another benefit of blueberries? One cup is only 81 calories, making this fruit ideal for regular snacking.
Kefir is a living culture made from fermented milk. It is used the same way yogurt is, but with much higher health benefits, and is not nearly as processed as packaged yogurt like Source or Activia, plus it doesn't have artificial colouring, sweeteners or jam-like fruit.
Kefir is known for maintaining health gut ecology. It increases the good bacteria in the gut and reduces the bad stuff like yeast.
Kefir also contains many vitamins including B12- important for vegetarian diets.
Use kefir in a smoothie with fruit, or on its own.
A true super food, spinach is an excellent source of more than 22 vitamins and minerals. Among those nutrients is iron, and spinach has one of the highest vegetable sources, with less calories then red meat, making it an ideal source. Spinach also contains at least 13 different flavanoid phytonutrients that function as powerful antioxidants.
The best way to eat this powerhouse of a vegetable is raw, canning and cooking lose many vital nutrients and also compromise the pleasant taste of spinach.
Eat spinach in a salad or plain with a dash of salt and lemon juice.
Garlic contains unique sulfur compounds which promotes antioxidant activity and functions as a powerful antibacterial and antiviral agent that joins forces with Vitamin C to help kill harmful microbes. Try replacing your hand sanitizer, which kills both harmful and helpful bacteria from our skin, depleting our natural defence system with some garlic in your meals.
Garlic can also help lower high blood pressure, clean up artery build up and promote good, natural immunity.
When sick, pump up your garlic intake to help combat your cold instead of pharmaceuticals.
And remember, always choose natural, organic foods, you will reduce your risk of cancer and illness, and experience much better taste!
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