Thursday, February 25, 2010

Are you getting the zzzzz's your body needs?

One of the things I'm hearing about lately is people's insomnia. Let's face it, insomnia is bound to happen once and a while especially during crucial points in our lives, like a big presentation at work the next day, a party we're excited to attend, relationship stress- all of these things can lead to an inability to get good quality sleep to be productive at work, feel good and avoid over using the under eye concealer the next morning.

I have a few things to share about ensuring good quality sleep, and trust me, I've suggested it to many people and gotten great feedback. I use it on myself and I rarely get less then 8 hours of good deep sleep.

1. Cut the caffeine!
Seems obvious and we've heard it all before, but many people still do it! If you're suffering from interrupted sleep or trouble falling asleep, that cup of joe or tea after dinner may be the problem. Recent research has suggested that even one cup of coffee in the afternoon has an impact on the way we sleep. Avoid it! It's not worth it! If you need a boost, water with lemon is better for the body and actually is naturally energizing.
But coffee and tea aren't the only sources of caffeine. Pop has caffeine too, even "diet" pop. Skip it all together, go for water, you won't get the 12 grams of sugar that temper with your mood and cause you to crash, plus you're passing on the aspartame which turns into formaldehyde in the body.
Chocolate! That after dinner dessert may be a key player in your sleep as well. If you are going to go for a sugary dessert or a chocolate one do it at lunch, you're body needs to pass that through your system before you hit the hay.

2. Exercise!
You want to exercise of course, but if you're exercising right before you go to sleep your body is pumped up and can't settle down. When you exercise you are sending oxygen into the blood stream and energizing your entire system, we want this! But not before bed, if you are a night exerciser end your work out 2 hours before you start getting ready to retire for the night.

3. Supplement!
One of my favourite, can't do without supplements is my liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate. Magnesium is a natural relaxant (and we are, as a nation generally extremely deficient in Mg), and calms the body before sleeping, All you need is one tbsp 30 minutes before bed. You can also try Valerian Root capsules which also aid in sleep. And yes, they can be taken together.

4. Shut down!
Falling asleep with an Ipod, the TV on, lights on, the computer all, all tells the body, "Hey I'm still awake, I need to be productive". This does not encourage sound sleep and may continue to disrupt you throughout the night. If you aren't one of those people who can just lay your head on the pillow and pass out, change your habits. Instead of the TV or Ipod, grab a boring, non stimulating book, with low light and just start reading. Reading a boring book won't over stimulate the brain like light, noise and movement will. It's just black print on a white page- very simple. Get into the habit of doing this 30 minutes before you want to fall asleep to allow yourself to wind down.

5. Essential Oils!
I can still remember my Mom putting essential oil drops onto my pillow Christmas Eve night (ya, I was, and still am that kid who would be awake til 4am hoping to hear Santa) so I would fall asleep. And it works! She used Lavender, which is calming and relaxing to the brain and can trigger sleep waves. You can also try chamomile. All you need is 1-2 drops (essential oils are extremely strong) right on the pillow and you instantly feel like you're at the spa.

Proper sleep= looking good, feeling good and everyone around you will love you for it!
SLeep well

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