Monday, February 22, 2010

Start Moving Canada!!

Did you know that most of us are lazy? Yes, I know no shocker there! We as a nation lack the physical activity that is needed to keep us healthy. Really, we need to be doing 45 minutes of physical activity every day to stay in shape and feel great. One way of doing this is without the use of fancy gym equipment, expensive classes- all you need is a pedometer (a device that you clip to the wasit of your pants or belt and measures the number of steps you take) and your own 2 feet.

Today I gave a presentation about smoking cessation through a great organization called COnnex Health. The topic on today's agenda was combating stress and fitness. We gave each of the participants a pedometer and asked them to record their steps every day for 1 week, doing their regular day to day routine.
Then, after a 7 day observation the next step is to set goals for yourself to increase the number of steps you take each day and thus increase your physical activity. The goal is to reach 12,000 steps per day. This can be done by taking the stairs, parking far away from the mall, walking to the grocery store, walking on a lunch break etc.
The response was very positive and everyone seemed to like the idea of tracking their progress so I decided to blog about it.
There exists a website which helps you do this. It allows you to track your steps, creates a clear chart for you to see if you've been improving, gives you tips and even sets you up with walking groups in your community. I love this!! What a great way to meet people, start an exercise program and just get your butt movin'!

The website that I adore of the month is

Get moving Canada and tell me your progress!

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